Applying as a Senior Engineer


Our Application Process (Senior Engineers)


01 — Technical & Profile Assessment

As a Senior Engineer, we expect you to have a minimum of 5-10 years experience in your field, as well as a complete portfolio of projects. Some engineers have worked at one company for a long time and have projects under NDA, so we also accept valid references.

After your profile is assessed, the next step is a technical assessment trusted by the likes of Amazon and Google & our partners. Regardless of how you’ve earned your skills, everyone has an equal chance.

02 — Soft Skills Assessment

After a Technical assessment, is the Soft Skills and overall assessment. It starts with a your formal interview, where we’ll assess a number of items including preparedness, english-aptitude, and overall knowledge of your skills track. This isn’t the final interview, but just our way of getting a better understanding of your non-technical skills. We also make sure you’re a fit for our culture at Yokunbo, where everyone is treated equally and with respect.

03 — Internal Projects, to Placement

For Intermediate to Senior Engineers, before working with any of our partners, each team member works with a group of engineers internally or on open source projects to perfect remote collaboration & better understand their placement opportunity. You’ll have the option to test out of this stage as well depending on your seniority.

To assist you, you’ll be given access to learning & development tools to sharpen your skills, and you’ll be given the opportunity to mentor Junior engineers as well.

04 — Continued Learning & Development

Once you’re paired with a partner, you’re still part of the engineering community. You’ll be on a passive learning track to ensure you keep leveling up on skills & are constantly best-in-class.

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