Why we build.


At Yokunbo, our goal is to build towards a future that everyone will love. One of our core beliefs about that future is that software is essential. Our team has traveled the world and worked with some of the best and brightest on every continent, and is now focused on bringing that talent worldwide.

With the growth of remote engineering as an industry standard, opportunities are limitless. We can build towards a more connected world, and we can start by connecting the right dots.

Our goal is to train & place 10,000 Engineers in each country that we touch, with a goal of driving the change that we need for a more connected world.

We started in Lagos, Nigeria.

Why? Because it’s close to home for us. Right now, the unemployment rate in Nigeria is 28.6%. Our founders grew up being told they could only be Doctors, Lawyers, or Engineers, and that they had to work hard to get a chance to “make it out” of Nigeria.

With Yokunbo, we aim to rewrite that story - we’re focused on building a route to success so that no one has to leave their home. We’re building towards the future that we want to see so that every child knows they have options.

Partner With Us.

10,000 Engineers is no easy task. We’re looking to partner with the best universities, learning institutes & anyone interested in helping achieve the goal.